Selasa, 06 November 2012


“We broke up”, said a girl to her boyfriend. She is very angry with Boy who has betrayed her love. She immediately runs out of the store while crying without attention surrounding. Kesya sat in lawn chairs mall. She remembered the event 6 hours ago.
Last morning, Kesya has a plan to buy something for her mother who will be birthday tomorrow. She invited Boy to go with her. Kesya want to buy jewelry necklace in the store to her mother. But, her boyfriend declined her invitation because he has an important job that can not be abandoned. Kesya eventually just go alone.
After Kesya bought the jewelry necklace, she take a moment to take a walk. When Kesya glanced into a doll shop, she accidentally saw a man similar to her boyfriend with a girl. They look so intimate. Kesya approached them and evidently he is her boyfriend. Kesya was so mad. And then they were broke up.

1 month has passed, we live our lives each with solitude. Until such time as Boy feels alone and lonely. He is longing to Kesya, longing for attention and Kesya’s love. Until Boy finally call the kesya's phone.
On the porch,  Kesya sit relax while reading a magazine. Suddenly, kriinggg...!!!, voice Kesya’s phone ring. Kesya surprised to see who's calling.

“Boooyyy,,!! That’s traitor..!!!”, said Kesya.

Kesya finally lift the phone, with muttering.

“Halooo.. who is speaking..??”, said Kesya.

“Have you forgotten about me? It's me Boy”, answer Boy.

"Ohh,, you Boy. There needs what? Is it important? If not, I'm busy right now ", said kesya.

"Why do you like this Kesya, you still mad at me. Forgive me Kesy, as long as we parted. I feel lonely, I can not get away from you Kesy. I still love you", ask Boy.

"I do not believe you anymore,.I hate you, you have betrayed my love. We will never ever getting back together again like the old days, it was enough pain that I feel for this ", said Kesya.

"Kesya, give me another chance. I promise I'll never do it again, come back to me Kesy ", Boy pleaded.

"Will never, do you want to ask a favor to your friend, my friend. That would be in vain, and remember I said it, we will never ever getting back together again as it once was ", said kesya.

Kesya immediately hang up on me. She was angry with Boy, so sore it feels betrayed. She paused in thought, remembering the past is so bitter. Whereas Boy, he was so heartbroken and hurt that he would never come back again with Kesya. He felt guilty for having betrayed their love.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

discussion text

{ACC2} The World Entertainment of Music Parody 

Nobody do not know about music. Music is very famous in the world, everyone like music. And know, many people have created the new creations in the world of music. Over time many increasing of the music types. One of them is the music parody. This type just to amuse everyone.

Many people create the music parody from their own creativity. This music just to joke, it can make everyone entertained. And than, with help of the internet many people can be know about their attainments. So, they are can be famous in the world of entertainment. They can get a job and money.

But, in other side this way people can easily get into the world of entertainment. Without see their singing talent, just relay a joke and appearance. But, the things like this will not last long because many people can be bored.

          In conclusion, everyone can be creative about music. It can make the music types increase in the entertainment. The most important, the musical parody can make everyone be happy and enjoy .

-please give me comments and my mistake

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Hortatory Exposition

The Badness Of Fast Food

Many people make variety of food. There is food need long time to cooking it and there is also fast food. No less to choose buy a fast food because it's more practical and don't have to bother. Exactly if you always consume the fast food that not good to health.

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

8 Larangan Setelah Makan

Makan makanan yang sehat bukanlah suatu jaminan kamu dapat asupan gizi yang ada dalam makanan tersebut. Lho kok bisa? Ya bisa karena kamu mungkin saja melakukan hal-hal yang sebenarnya dilakukan setelah makan.

Manfaat-manfaat mandi dengan air dingin:


Beberapa orang mulai memilih mandi menggunakan air hangat di pagi hari ketimbang air dingin. Tapi, selain menyegarkan tubuh di pagi hari, air dingin ternyata memiliki banyak manfaat. Mandi dengan air dingin dapat mendinginkan pikiran di pagi hari atau setelah seharian beraktifitas.

Manfaat minum air putih bagi kesehatan:

Sobat, seringkali saya tak bosan-bosannya mengingatkan sobat untuk paling tidak mengambil satu gelas air putih dan meminumnya setelah bangun tidur. Mungkin tak banyak yang tahu jika berat tubuh kita sekitar 60-70 persen terdiri dari cairan. Hal inilah yang mendasari betapa pentingnya asupan air putih bagi tubuh kita terutama setelah bangun tidur. Karena saat tidur tubuh kita kehilangan cukup banyak cairan yg terbuang lewat keringat maupun air kencing.